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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Engage With Website Visitors in Real Time

CRM with Web Chat

Let visitors chat with your team directly from your website—so you can answer their questions and connect them with the right person. Here’s how Nutshell helps you turn visitors into leads with its built-in chat feature.

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Fornecendo soluções intuitivas de CRM desde 2009

Engage with visitors right from your website

Meeting website visitors where they are is crucial to giving them the best experience with your company. With Chat, website visitors can start conversations with your team from your customized chat widget––so you can give them the answers they need, connect them with the right person, and collect information about potential prospects.

Customize the chat experience

From the colors and icon on your chat widget to the forms you offer visitors—craft a chat experience that encourages conversations and perfectly strengthens your brand.

Gather critical customer data and keep it organized

Whether your team is online or off, collect essential information about visitors so you can meet their needs or connect them with the team member who can. And because Chat is built inside your CRM, every detail is automatically stored on the visitor’s page—so you can access contact information, preferences, and important notes whenever you need them.

Manage chat assignments and team availability

Admins choose how to assign incoming chats so they’re distributed evenly throughout your agents. With options like round-robin, specific-user, and queue, you ensure that visitors are helped quickly when your agents are online.

Quickly create new leads from chats with visitors

Chatting with a visitor who seems like a good fit for your products or services? Add a new lead for them directly from the Chat thread so you can start sending them through your sales pipeline and win a new deal!

#1 Next-Action CRM for Prospect Engagement

Nurture website visitors with engagement tools like web-based chat and seamlessly create leads in your CRM to close more deals

Build stronger prospect relationships through next-action-based selling with sales automation tools built for your perfect sales process. Leverage team guidance, reminders, and automated email drip sequences with a CRM designed to champion your next-action-based sales process and influence more wins.

Adoramos o fato de que o Nutshell se integra com nosso outro software e é perfeito... não precisávamos de especialistas em tecnologia para nos ajudar a fazer isso.

Gini D. Arment Dietrich, Inc.

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