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Connect all of the apps you need to Nutshell. Over 50 apps and growing!
Nutshell’s App Marketplace allows you to integrate your data and workflows between Nutshell and the applications your company already uses.
We offer many instant integrations — such as Google, Microsoft and Quickbooks. Our Marketplace gives you additional flexibility to connect Nutshell with many other software applications.
Behind the scenes, Nutshell’s team of integration engineers use tools like Zapier to set up, monitor and maintain your Marketplace integrations. The setup and the Zapier fees are on us. Access to our App Marketplace is included free with all subscriptions.
To get started with using our Marketplace, start your free trial, select your integration(s) from our marketplace (inside our app), and then fill out the integration-specific form (also inside our app).
Our AppMarketplace currently has over 50 integrations that allow you to automatically sync data from the rest of your tech stack and Nutshell. In addition to our Instant integrations, our Marketplace helps you make your CRM your source of truth for your business.
See all of the integrations here. Need another app to integrate with Nutshell? Contact our team to see what’s possible!
Det første skridt til at få et tilbud på en brugerdefineret integration er en samtale med vores team. Udfyld formularen nedenfor, så kontakter vi dig.
Typical Costs
For produkter, der kan involvere en envejssynkronisering, starter vores Custom Data Pipeline-tjenester ved 800 dollars.
For custom software that might involve two-way data flows or connections to custom APIs, services start at $2,900.
Har du spørgsmål? Har du brug for mængderabat? Send os en besked eller book et møde med en salgsrepræsentant for at starte samtalen.
Tag på vores guidede tur og udforsk Nutshell's utrolige funktioner!
Et vigtigt salgsargument for os var Nutshell's integrationer. Omkring 70 % af vores kommunikation foregår via Google Mail, så som du kan forestille dig, var en problemfri integration mellem vores e-mail og vores CRM helt afgørende.
Steven S. Blommerang
Slut dig til mere end 30.000 andre professionelle inden for salg og marketing. Abonner på vores Sell to Win-nyhedsbrev!