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"Nutshell es muy fácil de usar e intuitivo

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"Fácil deusar y... espere... 100% de aceptación.

"Nutshell es a la vez sencillo y potente

a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Sales, Marketing & Engagement Software to Help

Grow Your Business

  • Sales & CRM software for any stage of business
  • Integrations to keep you and your team efficient
  • 2-way Email & Calendar sync with Google & Microsoft
  • Customizable Pipelines & Sales Automation
  • Fácil de usar. Fácil de vender. Es decir Nutshell.

Pruébalo gratisRegístrese para la DEMO

Elija el mejor plan para su equipo

Your Estimated Cost $504 per year

An easy to use, flexible CRM that helps teams organize their contacts, leads, and conversations in order to grow.

$13 per user per month

Included in all plans:

  • Unlimited storage, contacts & accounts
  • Gestión de contactos y plazos de comunicación
  • Sincronización de correo electrónico y calendario
  • Canal de ventas único y personalizable
  • Asistencia en directo gratuita
  • *Foundation has a 100 active leads limit
Iniciar prueba gratuita

Perfect for small teams that need more reporting capabilities to help improve performance.

$25 per user per month

Everything in Foundation, plus:

  • Activity and Email reports
  • Sales and Activity quotas
  • Objetivos de la fase de tramitación
  • Up to 25 custom fields
  • No open leads limit
Iniciar prueba gratuita

For teams that need CRM, sales automation, advanced reporting, and multiple pipelines to help you connect and close more leads.

$42 per user per month

Everything in Growth, plus:

  • 5 customizable pipelines
  • Automatización de ventas
  • Secuencias de correo electrónico personales
  • Conjunto completo de informes, incluidos los de actividad, embudo y previsión
  • Meeting scheduling software (lite version)
Iniciar prueba gratuita
Best Value

For teams and organizations that need deeper customization, change logs, and AI features to improve efficiency.

$59 per user per month

Everything in Pro, plus:

  • Increased pipelines, territories, markets, teams and more
  • Unlimited Notetaker usage (AI powered speech-to-text transcription)
  • Meeting scheduling software (full version)
  • Audit log and changelog
  • Send email templates directly from Gmail
Iniciar prueba gratuita

For teams and organizations that need complete custom reporting, access controls, custom SQL access and no limits.

$79 per user per month


Everything in Business, plus:

  • Pipelines ilimitados
  • Unlimited custom fields, teams, currencies and territories
  • Acceso SQL de sólo lectura
  • Varias monedas
  • Asistencia telefónica programada gratuita
  • Soporte API
Iniciar prueba gratuita

CRM features that simplify your sales process

Automatización de ventas

Put time-wasting tasks on autopilot for max efficiency

Email and Calendar sync

Work from one centralized location with 2-way syncing

Informes y análisis

Track, view and forecast sales and team performance

Automatización del correo electrónico

Create email lists, drip series, & funnel-based emails

Colaboración en equipo

Store customer notes, interactions and lists to share with your team

Gestión de oleoductos

Create custom pipelines and manage them easily with multiple views

Gestión de contactos

Easily bulk import, add, gather, store and search customer information

Inteligencia artificial

Streamline daily processes using the power of AI

Lead Gen and Web Form Creation

Capture customer and lead info with easy to create forms

Programador de reuniones

Create and manage virtual meetings and sync the information with your Calendar and CRM

Atribución de clientes potenciales

Know where your best leads come from and invest smarter in your marketing

Marketing por correo electrónico

Create custom audiences and send targeted emails with your CRM data

Atención al cliente gratuita

Free chat support for every Nutshell customer

Sales Prospecting

Create your own prospecting list of people who fit your ideal customer profile

Text Messaging

Send and receive text messages from Nutshell

App Marketplace

Integrate Nutshell with the rest of your tech stack

See All Features

Nutshell can go toe to toe with just about any CRM when it comes to our features

Mejore su CRM

CRM plans are priced per seat.

For the exception of SMS, the add-on’s below are priced per company.

Send and receive SMS messages in Nutshell

A partir de

16 $ por usuario y mes

  • 150 messages included with each user
  • Additional messages can be purchased for teams with higher usage
  • Use SMS with automation, communication timelines and more
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logo for Nutshell Campaigns

Easy to use Email marketing and audiences

A partir de

5 $ por empresa y mes

  • Diseñe correos electrónicos sin código o utilice nuestras plantillas prediseñadas
  • Easily create audiences from your CRM
  • Newsletters, Broadcasts and Automated Drip sequenes
  • A/B testing and reporting suite available
  • Price based on number of contacts
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un logotipo para Nutshell Landing Pages

Páginas de destino sin código para sus campañas de marketing

37 $ por empresa y mes

  • Cree un número ilimitado de páginas de destino
  • Fácil de diseñar gracias a la edición de arrastrar y soltar sin código
  • Fácil conexión con Nutshell Forms & Scheduler
  • Más de 30 plantillas para ayudarle a empezar
Más información

Discover and add more sales opportunities to your CRM.

A partir de

37 $ por empresa y mes

Includes features like

  • ProspectorIQ for cold outreach
  • VisitorIQ to get the contact info of people visiting your website
  • PeopleIQ to get in front of the right person to close the deal
  • Price based on monthly usage. 100 Credits for $37
Más información

View our free Sales and CRM resources

Over the years, we’ve curated a list of resources to help you grow your business. These resources include sales tips and tips on how to effectively use your CRM (even if it’s not Nutshell). We’ll continue to add more free resources because we are committed to helping businesses grow!

Únase a más de 30.000 profesionales del marketing y las ventas. Suscríbase a nuestro boletín Vender para ganar.