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The best CRM for Architects

A well-designed CRM for architects ensures streamlined project management and fosters easy collaboration with team members like engineers and developers.

Additionally, architects need a CRM that integrates seamlessly with design software as it is essential for maintaining efficient workflows.

Nutshell provides the necessary CRM features through an intuitive platform, enabling you to effortlessly track projects, timelines, budgets, and more.



How CRM software helps architecture firms

As an architect, you understand that designing and constructing a building requires a comprehensive plan and reliable software and tools to support your processes. You need the tools to manage your client’s needs, the project’s size and scope, the timeline, and your deliverables.

CRM software helps you manage these critical aspects by centralizing project data and simplifying the tracking of progress, budgets, and timelines.

Here are some of the main advantages of using a CRM for architecture firms:


Essential features to consider in your architecture firm CRM

Finding the right CRM for architects that aligns with your architectural needs is key to enhancing efficiency and productivity.

A well-chosen CRM with the right features will help you organize project data, monitor deadlines and budgets, and promote collaboration among team members, resulting in greater efficiency and improved client satisfaction.

Nutshell recognizes these needs and provides tailored solutions to meet them. Here are the key features Nutshell offers to support your business:

Contact management to effectively organize and manage customers and prospects

a screenshot of a sales pipeline for Newing Industries Inc. for Nutshell

An effective contact management CRM feature helps architecture firms organize and track client information, project details, and communications in one place.

With Nutshell’s contact management feature, you can:

  • Easily access essential customer data to foster stronger client relationships.
  • Centralize client details, project information, and communication history in one location.
  • Log communications effortlessly from your desktop or mobile device, whether on-site or on the go.
  • Maintain a chronological record of your team’s interactions with customers to ensure alignment.

Email automation to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks


Email automation CRM features are essential for architecture firms as they enhance communication efficiency and strengthen client relationships throughout the project lifecycle.

Streamline client and project updates and follow-ups, allowing architects to focus on design and project execution while ensuring clients remain informed and engaged.

With Nutshell’s email automation feature, you can:

  • Reduce the time spent on manual email management through email automation.
  • Automate reminders for follow-ups ensuring that important communications aren’t missed, leading to stronger client connections.
  • Personalize automated emails that are client and project-specific, ensuring that your clients feel valued and involved.
  • Use email templates that save time and allow for consistency,  professional client communication and reduce error.

Pipeline management to help track project progress

Tietokoneen näytöllä näkyvät seurattavat tilit

Pipeline management is essential for architectural companies as it helps track a project’s progress from start to finish, ensuring that every stage is monitored effectively.  It offers a clear overview of each project’s status, enabling better decision-making.

With Nutshell’s pipeline management feature, you can:

  • Visually track the progress of each project you and your team are handling.
  • Quickly identify bottlenecks that may be causing delays or issues.
  • Gain a clear understanding of each project’s current status, enabling effective resource allocation.
  • Track the overall health of your projects, including duration, progress, and success rates.

Team collaboration to stay aligned

esimerkki tiimityöskentelystä crm:ssä teollisuusyrityksessä

In architectural projects, multiple parties—such as builders, developers, and project managers—are often involved. Therefore, it’s essential for your CRM to facilitate team collaboration, ensuring that all team members and stakeholders stay informed and aligned.

With Nutshell’s team collaboration feature, you can:

  • Streamline workflows by enabling your team to easily share updates, documents, and feedback.
  • Tag team members or colleagues from other departments in relevant communications, preventing important messages from getting lost in email.
  • Receive notifications for updates in the CRM, ensuring everyone stays informed about project developments.
  • Stay up to date with the real-time updates displayed on the timeline.

Nutshell on paras vastine rahalle. Monipuolisuus ja toiminnallisuus tekevät siitä erittäin helppokäyttöisen ja tehokkaan tuotteen.

Mark M. Southwestern Scale Co.

Olen aiemmin käyttänyt Actia, Goldminea ja Salesforcea, ja olen huomannut, että Nutshell on helpointa käyttää ja määrittää mukautettuja kenttiä. Suosittelen Nutshell muille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita helposti opittavasta ja navigoitavasta CRM:stä.

Craig C. Thermal-Tec

Lähdimme Hubspotista osoitteeseen Nutshell , koska Hubspot oli liian monimutkainen. Nutshell tekee ohjelmistoja ihmisille.

Daniel H. EOS

Kun arvioimme CRM-järjestelmiä, yksi ratkaiseva tekijä Nutshell :n ja Salesforcen välillä oli spin up -aika ja hinta. Nutshell voittaa molemmissa asioissa (ylivoimaisesti). Salesforce maksoi 10 kertaa enemmän kuukaudessa siihen, mitä halusimme.

Jason C. Arrow Container Corp

Saat CRM:stäsi enemmän irti integraatioiden avulla

Choosing a CRM with a variety of integration options tailored to your needs is essential for boosting operational efficiency and streamlining workflows. By connecting different tools and platforms within the CRM, architectural firms can effectively centralize project information.

Here are some integration types that Nutshell’s CRM offers for architectural firms:

  • Communication integrations: Effective communication between team members and clients is essential for project success. Nutshell’s communication integrations allow you to schedule appointments, initiate virtual meetings, and conduct video calls seamlessly.
  • Contracts and proposal integrations: Architectural projects often come with numerous legal requirements. These integrations streamline document management and expedite project approvals, allowing you to connect with platforms like DocuSign and Dropbox Sign.
  • Automation integrations: The more efficient your automated integrations, the more time architects can focus on design work. Nutshell’s automation features enhance productivity while creating a personalized experience for your customers and contacts.
  • Email, calendar, and contact sync integrations: These integrations centralize communication, simplify scheduling, and improve time management. Nutshell’s sync options enable you to connect with platforms like Gmail, Outlook, Calendly, and more.
graafinen kuva, jossa on erilaisia logoja yhdistettynä yhteen, jotta Nutshell

Why use Nutshell CRM for architecture firms?

For architecture firms, selecting a CRM that enhances project management, streamlines communication and documentation, and integrates smoothly with various design software is crucial.

Nutshell provides just that – it offers centralized data management, customizable integrations, automation features, and a user-friendly interface.

By choosing Nutshell as your architecture firm CRM, you get the following:

Mutta älkää vain uskoko meidän sanaanne.

Our customers have a lot to say about how Nutshell has helped them connect with customers, gain insight into their sales, manage marketing campaigns, and more. Check out our customer stories to learn more about how Nutshell has helped companies like yours meet and exceed their goals!

Lue asiakastarinoita

Valitse tiimillesi paras suunnitelma

Laskutetaan vuosittain
Laskutetaan kuukausittain

An easy to use, flexible CRM that helps teams organize their contacts, leads, and conversations in order to grow.

$13 per user per month

Kaikkiin suunnitelmiin sisältyy...

  • Unlimited storage, contacts & accounts
  • Yhteyksien hallinta ja viestinnän aikataulut
  • Sähköpostin ja kalenterin synkronointi
  • Mukautettava yksittäinen myyntiputki
  • Customizable single sales pipeline (100 open leads limit)
  • Ja lisää
Vertaa suunnitelmia
Katso lisää

Perfect for small teams that need more reporting capabilities to help improve performance.

$25 per user per month

Kaikki osoitteessa Foundation, plus...

  • Activity and Email reports
  • Sales and Activity quotas
  • Putkistovaiheen tavoitteet
  • Up to 25 custom fields
  • No active leads limit
  • Ja lisää
Vertaa suunnitelmia
Katso lisää

For teams that need CRM, sales automation, advanced reporting, and multiple pipelines to help you connect and close more leads.

42 dollaria käyttäjää kohti kuukaudessa

Everything in Growth, plus…

  • 5 customizable pipelines
  • Myynnin automatisointi
  • Personal email sequences email sequences
  • Täydellinen raportointipaketti, mukaan lukien aktiviteetti-, suppilo- ja ennusteraportit.
  • Meeting scheduling software (lite version)
  • Ja lisää
Vertaa suunnitelmia
Katso lisää

For teams and organizations that need deeper customization, change logs, and AI features to improve efficiency.

59 dollaria käyttäjää kohti kuukaudessa

Kaikki osoitteessa Pro, plus...

  • Increased pipelines, territories, markets, teams and more
  • Unlimited Notetaker usage (AI powered speech-to-text transcription)
  • Meeting scheduling software (full version)
  • Audit log and changelog
  • Send email templates directly from Gmail
  • Ja lisää
Vertaa suunnitelmia
Katso lisää

For teams and organizations that need complete custom reporting, access controls, custom SQL access and no limits.

79 dollaria käyttäjää kohti kuukaudessa

Everything in Business, plus…

  • Rajoittamattomat putkistot
  • Unlimited custom fields, teams, currencies and territories
  • Vain lukuoikeudet SQL-käyttöoikeudet
  • API-tuki
  • Ja lisää
Vertaa suunnitelmia
Katso lisää
kuvitus ihmisryhmästä, joka on kerääntynyt kannettavan tietokoneen ympärille ja heidän yläpuolellaan on hehkulamppu.

When you choose Nutshell as your Architecture CRM, you have the option to partner with 500+ digital marketing experts to help drive leads to your sales team. Learn More

Start growing with the best CRM for architects

Nutshell’s CRM is designed to cater to your specific needs, saving you time and boosting your efficiency and productivity, helping to elevate your firm to new heights.

Discover what Nutshell has to offer and sign up for a 14-day free trial—no credit card needed. If you prefer, contact our sales team to discuss your needs, learn more about our offerings, and get answers to any questions you may have.

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