Integrer Servicem8 med Nutshell
Nutshell is an all-in-one CRM solution that streamlines sales and marketing processes for B2B organizations.
Servicem8 er en skybaseret software, der hjælper field service-virksomheder med at administrere deres arbejdsgang, planlægge job og fakturere kunder.
Når du integrerer Nutshell og Servicem8, kan du nemt spore dine kunder og job ét sted.
Fordele ved Servicem8 CRM-integration:
- Effektiv dataindsamling: Integration af din Servicem8-konto med Nutshell CRM hjælper dig med at reducere manuel indtastning og opdatering af kunde-, kundeemne- og jobdata.
- Seamless collaboration: Syncing Servicem8 and Nutshell lets your entire team access customer data and job history so they can offer personalized experiences and effective follow-ups. With the entire sales team in sync, you can win more deals faster and improve customer satisfaction.
- Analyse i realtid: Nutshell's robuste rapporteringsværktøj giver krystalklar indsigt i din salgspipeline og forretningsresultater. Med denne integration kan du nemt rapportere om jobdata fra Servicem8.
For at bruge denne integration skal du bruge en Servicem8-konto og en Nutshell konto.
Sådan kommer du i gang
This integration is powered by Zapier – set it up with your Zapier account.
There may be solutions for alternative applications available through our AppConnect Marketplace. Feel free to contact our team with any questions.