Integrar Dropbox con Nutshell
Adjunte sus documentos a Nutshell.
Nutshell is an all-in-one CRM and email marketing platform that helps B2B organizations work together to win more deals. Dropbox simplifies the way you create and manage your content. With this app integration, you can easily attach any document stored in Dropbox to a Nutshell lead, company, or person.
Organícese: Centralice sus documentos de ventas y acceda a ellos desde cualquier dispositivo.
Debes tener una cuenta de Dropbox (a partir de 12,50 $ por usuario y mes).
Cómo empezar
This integration is powered by Zapier – set it up with your Zapier account.
There may be solutions for alternative applications available through our AppConnect Marketplace. Feel free to contact our team with any questions.