Integre el analizador de correo electrónico con Nutshell
Add Nutshell contacts from emails parsed by Zapier.
Nutshell is an all-in-one CRM and email marketing platform that helps B2B organizations work together to win more deals. Zapier is a service that connects your software together. With this integration, Nutshell contacts are automatically created by Zapier analyzing emails and pushing contact data to Nutshell.
Ahorre tiempo: Dedica menos tiempo de tu día a introducir datos manualmente y a importar/exportar contactos desde correos electrónicos.
You need a Nutshell account and a Zapier account (starting at no cost).
Cómo empezar
This integration is powered by Zapier – set it up with your Zapier account.
There may be solutions for alternative applications available through our AppConnect Marketplace. Feel free to contact our team with any questions.