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a light blue background with the top part of a darker blue acorn at the bottom right
Nutshell SMS:

Connect With Customers Through Text

Send, receive and manage text messages with contacts through Nutshell SMS. Everything you need to move leads down the funnel and keep customer relationships strong—all inside your CRM.

Contacter les ventes Essai gratuit

See SMS features by plan


Start SMS conversations with leads and customers

Get more responses through one-to-one messaging where your contacts are most engaged—on their phones. With Nutshell SMS, send text messages from any Person, Company or Lead timeline directly to your contacts with your company-wide number.

Leverage text automation to send the right message at the right time

Add text messages to your pipeline stage sales automation so your team can focus on the most valuable tasks: engaging with leads and nourishing relationships.

Manage SMS threads all in one place

Oversee, assign, track and create new leads from SMS threads—all inside your CRM. There’s no need to wire platforms together to create a seamless customer experience with your business.

Engage with contacts at every stage of your sales process

As part of the Engagement Suite, Nutshell SMS is one piece in your lead and customer engagement strategy. Discover the rest of Engagement Suite. SMS is available for Nutshell users with an Engagement Suite Pro license.

SMS is available in our Engagement Suite Pro plan

Nutshell Engagement

Our suite of tools to help you engage with your leads and customers.

Engagement Foundation

Free with a Nutshell Sales Subscription (SMS not available)

Engagement Pro

SMS, Chat and more customizations starting at $16/month per user

SMS is available in our Engagement Suite Pro plan

Web chats Unlimited during early access

Web chat branding customization

Outgoing SMS messages per user Teams with Engagement Pro plans can purchase additional messages.

Automate text messages per pipeline stage

View, manage, and assign SMS threads in Nutshell

$0 par utilisateur et par mois
Icône de chèque encerclé
Icône encerclée et fermée
Icône encerclée et fermée
Icône de chèque encerclé
Icône de chèque encerclé
$16 par utilisateur et par mois
Icône de chèque encerclé
Icône de chèque encerclé


Icône de chèque encerclé
Icône de chèque encerclé

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C'est un outil très utile qui peut être personnalisé pour répondre à vos besoins. J'aurais aimé commencer à utiliser Nutshell plus tôt !

Melissa H. Groupe G.A. Richards

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