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Improve Organization With Per-Pipeline Custom Fields 

Custom fields are an essential part of organizing mission-critical data in your CRM—they allow you to gather and track the most important information for running your business successfully. 

In Nutshell, you can create custom fields for People, Company, and Lead records. With the newest enhancement to custom fields, you can also specify which custom fields apply to your different sales pipelines. 

If your team is working leads through multiple pipelines, it helps to collect lead-specific information that can help you close the deal. Consider these examples:

  • Rental vs. Purchase pipelines: For rentals, you may need to collect rental start and end dates for your leads—but that information isn’t relevant for outright purchases.
  • New Leads vs. Onboarding pipelines: When onboarding new customers, good examples of per-pipeline custom fields might include SKUs of the product(s) purchased and which team members the customer has already been working with.

New per-pipeline custom fields enable your team to gather pipeline-specific information for each of your leads, keeping the most relevant data front and center.

Learn more about Nutshell’s per-pipeline custom fields!

What are per-pipeline custom fields? 

Per-pipeline custom fields are fields you designate to apply only to certain sales pipelines in Nutshell. The ability to assign custom fields to specific pipelines helps your team keep Lead pages organized and focused on relevant information, so you don’t get bogged down in unnecessary details.

How do I create per-pipeline custom fields?

When creating a custom field, choose whether to show the field across all pipelines or only for specific pipelines. Then select the pipeline (or pipelines) where you’d like to assign the custom fields. In the image above, we’ve created a custom field called “Invoice number” and assigned it to our New Equipment pipeline.

These per-pipeline custom fields will only appear in three places:

  • When creating a new lead (image 1 below)
  • On the lead’s page (image 2 below)
  • On the lead’s card on the lead board (image 3 below)

Additional custom fields updates

Along with the ability to assign custom fields to specific pipelines, check out these other recent updates to custom fields:

  • Create custom fields per entity: Under the ‘Custom fields’ section of your company’s Setup, click on the respective entity—Company, Person, or Lead—and then +Create a new field to create a new custom field for that entity.
  • Drag and drop to reorder custom fields: Under the Leads tab of the Custom fields section, clicking on any pipeline allows you to drag and drop which fields you want visible in the center of the lead page, in the sidebar, or hidden entirely from the pipeline. 
Screenshot of creating a new custom field

Keep your data and team organized with per-pipeline custom fields 

With per-pipeline custom fields, your team can collect all the important data on new leads, keep lead pages focused on the most relevant information, and stay better organized with all your data. 

To learn more about custom fields in Nutshell, read our custom fields support article. If you’d like to take advantage of all the features that come with multiple sales pipelines, upgrade your Sales Suite plan to Pro or above or contact us to learn more.


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