Integrer ActiveCampaign med Nutshell
Legg til Nutshell kontakter for nye eller oppdaterte ActiveCampaign-kontakter.
Nutshell is an all-in-one CRM and email marketing platform that helps B2B organizations work together to win more deals. ActiveCampaign helps you deliver effective email messages to your contacts. With this integration, Zapier automatically adds new or updated ActiveCampaign contacts to Nutshell.
FYI: Nutshell offers a native email marketing automation tool that connects directly to your CRM data. With Nutshell Campaigns, you can design beautiful marketing emails, create custom audiences in a snap, and instantly see who’s engaging with your messages all directly out of Nutshell, so there’s no need to pay for and integrate a separate email marketing tool.
Les mer om Nutshell Campaigns
Fordelene med en Nutshell-ActiveCampaign CRM-integrasjon
Save time: An ActiveCampaign CRM integration will ensure that you spend less of your day doing manual data entry and importing/exporting contacts between Nutshell and ActiveCampaign.
Hva en ActiveCampaign CRM-integrasjon gjør
Contact our team to see what is possible with a Nutshell and ActiveCampaign CRM integration.
Du kan også overføre ActiveCampaign-dataene dine automatisk til Nutshell med bare noen få klikk, uten at det kreves noe oppsett. Systemet vårt lar deg kontrollere hvilke felt som skal mappes, bestemme hvordan du skal håndtere duplikater, identifisere og korrigere feil og migrere alle poster i CRM-systemet, fra navn og e-postadresser til notater, aktiviteter og filer.
Krav til integrasjon med ActiveCampaign CRM
Du trenger en Nutshell -konto, en ActiveCampaign-konto (fra 8 dollar per måned) og en Zapier-konto (fra gratis).
Slik kommer du i gang
This integration is powered by Zapier – set it up with your Zapier account.
There may be solutions for alternative applications available through our AppConnect Marketplace. Feel free to contact our team with any questions.