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Nutshell CRM is an all-in-one CRM and sales automation platform that helps small and medium-sized businesses close more deals. With Nutshell, you can manage your sales pipeline, automate your sales process, and track your progress toward your goals. Xero is an easy-to-use accounting software that helps businesses manage their finances.
The Nutshell-Xero CRM integration creates a seamless experience between the two tools, making it easy to keep your orders, leads, and contacts in sync across both platforms.
We have a built-in Xero CRM integration that automatically keeps your order information updated across platforms and updates contacts’ profiles with information about their orders. With the Xero CRM integration installed, Xero can automatically create quotes or invoices based on deal status in Nutshell. Nutshell can also update contact and order information based on the status of an order.
In addition to our built-in integration, our Marketplace integration with Xero powers:
We offer many instant integrations — such as Google, Microsoft and Quickbooks. Our App Marketplace gives you additional flexibility to connect Nutshell with many other software applications. Even better, with our Marketplace service, we’ll set up, maintain and eat the costs of your Zapier connections to Nutshell. You get all the Zaps with no strings attached.
Have more questions about this Nutshell-Zero CRM integration? Start a free trial and chat with our sales team!
Du kan konfigurere denne integrasjonen ved hjelp av Zapier, eller teamet vårt kan hjelpe deg med å konfigurere den via AppConnect. Ta gjerne kontakt med teamet vårt hvis du har spørsmål.
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