Integrer samtaleanlæg med Nutshell
Our native Nutshell-Intercom CRM integration automatically creates people records from website chats, syncs your conversations to Nutshell, and turns web chats into reportable activities.
Nutshell er en alt-i-én CRM- og e-mailmarketingplatform, der hjælper B2B-organisationer med at arbejde sammen om at vinde flere aftaler. Intercom er en førende customer messaging-platform, der hjælper virksomheder med at generere og kvalificere leads, engagere kunder og yde personlig kundesupport i stor skala.
With this two-click integration, Nutshell will automatically add a person when you complete an Intercom chat with a web visitor, sync the transcript to their Nutshell feed, and log the chat as a new activity (which you can then report on using our powerful activity report).
Save time: Syncing your web chats to your CRM eliminates the need to manually type in new contacts or copy-paste chat conversations into your customer records. Plus, with the Nutshell-Intercom CRM integration you have your Intercom web chats stored in Nutshell which means you won’t have to switch back and forth between tools anymore.
Kundeindsigt for hele teamet: Ved at gemme alle dine webchatsamtaler, hvor dine salgs- og serviceteams kan henvise til dem, kan ethvert medlem af dit team få fuld kontekst om et kundeforhold.
Insight into web chat effectiveness: By reporting on your web chats as an activity type, you can understand how often your front-line team is engaging with website visitors and how those chats relate to sales outcomes.
Hvad den gør
With the Intercom CRM integration installed, Intercom will automatically create new contacts in Nutshell from chat interactions, and add the chat transcript including your own team member’s replies. Intercom chats will also be recorded as a “Web chat” in the activity report.
Du skal have en Intercom-konto (starter ved $79 pr. måned).
Tryk på knappen "Aktiver" ved siden af Intercom-integrationen; du vil blive sendt til Intercom for at godkende adgangen. Klik på "Godkend adgang", og du er færdig!