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Escuela de Email Marketing

¿Le cuesta hacerse a la idea del marketing por correo electrónico?

Nutshellestán aquí para ayudarle. Vea los siguientes vídeos para obtener un curso intensivo sobre la terminología y las estrategias que necesitará para poner en marcha sus iniciativas de marketing por correo electrónico. Gracias por verlo, y envíe un correo electrónico a para enviar sus preguntas relacionadas con el marketing por correo electrónico directamente a nuestro equipo.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un boletín y una emisión?

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Un boletín es una serie temática de correos electrónicos de marketing que se envían periódicamente a los suscriptores. Los objetivos clave de un boletín son nutrir a los suscriptores ofreciéndoles valor y mantener asociaciones positivas con su marca.

Cada boletín de una serie se denomina edición, y ser coherente con el diseño y la cadencia de sus ediciones consigue que sus lectores adquieran el hábito de abrirlas.

Una difusión es un mensaje de correo electrónico que se envía una sola vez a su lista de marketing o a un segmento de esa lista. Envías un broadcast cuando tienes algo especial que ofrecer a tus suscriptores o algo importante que contarles.

Las emisiones no tienen ediciones. Son comunicaciones de marketing de una sola vez. Por eso, los profesionales del marketing tienen más libertad a la hora de decidir su aspecto y el momento de su difusión.

For further reading:
How to build a newsletter that turns readers into buyers
8 newsletter design tips to help you boost clicks

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las secuencias de correo electrónico personales y los goteos de marketing?

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Una secuencia de correos electrónicos personales es una serie planificada de correos electrónicos de ventas uno a uno que se envían automáticamente hasta que el destinatario responde a la secuencia, o hasta que se han enviado todos los mensajes de la secuencia. Cuando los mensajes llegan a la bandeja de entrada del destinatario, tienen el mismo aspecto que cualquier otro mensaje personal que reciba.

Personal email sequences are great to use when you want to create a connection with your recipients and are looking to kick off a 1:1 sales conversation. Once a recipient replies to your email, their sequence ends and the real conversations can begin.

Marketing drip sequences are similar to personal email sequences, in that they are also a templated series of emails with scheduled follow-up messages. But the goal of a marketing drip sequence is to inform the recipient or get them to interact with your emails.

Marketing drip sequences are mostly curated for a target audience that you’re either working with (like customers in a specific sales territory) or marketing to (like subscribers to your newsletter).

Messages within marketing drip sequences typically contain images and stylized text. They seem as if they’re from the company or brand, rather than being personally sent by an individual. Regardless of how your recipient engages with your marketing drip sequence—whether they reply to it, click on one of its links, or ignore it—they will continue to receive the sequence.

According to the CAN-SPAM act, recipients need to opt in to receiving your marketing drip sequences as they are considered marketing emails.

For further reading:
The simple guide to drip email campaigns
How to write a killer follow-up email sequence that draws replies

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un correo masivo y una difusión de marketing?

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Bulk emails and marketing broadcasts are both tools that help you get your message into a lot of inboxes at once, but each one has its own specific purpose.

Bulk emails are personal emails that are delivered to multiple people at once. Sales reps use templated bulk emails to re-establish contact with buyers they haven’t engaged with in a while, or even just to start a personal conversation. When they show up in recipients’ inboxes, they look just like any other personal email.

Many CRM platforms offer the ability to create email templates with merge fields and placeholder text to make your message feel more personal. The reason bulk emails offer this level of personalization is because a bulk email—just like a regular sales email—is supposed to look and sound like a one-to-one email, and its goal is to start a conversation with the recipient.

A marketing broadcast’s main purpose is to get the recipient to click on a CTA. This can take them to a registration page, a signup page, or any other targeted landing page.

Marketing broadcasts look like they’re coming from the brand itself, rather than an individual at the company, and will often include images, text styling, multi-column layouts, and buttons.

Since marketing emails are not one-to-one conversational emails, they fall under certain CAN-SPAM rules, and require permission to be sent to an audience. This is why companies require you to sign up for their email communications—they need consent.

For further reading:
The complete guide to writing much better marketing emails
The email marketing launch checklist: 8 things to check before hitting send

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