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AWeber is an easy-to-use email marketing and automation service provider that allows business owners and entrepreneurs to build and cultivate relationships with their customers and grow their businesses. AWeber offers powerful yet simple automations and segmenting, award-winning customer support, and outstanding deliverability, all with an easy-to-use interface.
FYI: Nutshell offers a native email marketing automation tool that connects directly to your CRM data. With Nutshell Campaigns, you can design beautiful marketing emails, create custom audiences in a snap, and instantly see who’s engaging with your messages all directly out of Nutshell, so there’s no need to pay for and integrate a separate email marketing tool.
En savoir plus sur Nutshell Campaigns
Gagnez du temps : Passez moins de temps à saisir manuellement des données et à importer/exporter des contacts entre Nutshell et AWeber.
Vous avez besoin d'un abonnement à Nutshell , ainsi que d'un compte AWeber (gratuit au départ) et d'un compte Zapier (gratuit au départ).
This integration is powered by Zapier – set it up with your Zapier account.
There may be solutions for alternative applications available through our AppConnect Marketplace. Feel free to contact our team with any questions.
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