If you’re considering Freshsales and Pipedrive but struggling to choose between them, you’ve come to the right place. On this page, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each tool. Then we’ll explore how they compare on several key aspects of a good CRM. Keep reading to learn more about how Freshsales and Pipedrive stack up!
If you’re on this page, there’s a decent chance you’re trying to make a decision about whether to choose Freshsales or Pipedrive as your customer relationship management (CRM) software. Maybe you’ve narrowed it down to those two, or maybe they’re just two of several options that you’re looking at. Whatever the case, you’re here to find out which is better.
That’s just the question we’re going to answer. To do that, we’ll start out by looking at some of the biggest pros and cons of each tool. After that, we’ll go over how Pipedrive and Freshsales stack up when it comes to some key qualities of a good CRM.
To learn more about Freshsales vs. Pipedrive, just keep reading!
There are plenty of things to like about using Freshsales. Those things include:
Unfortunately, there are also some downsides to Freshsales, including:
If you choose Pipedrive as your CRM, you’ll experience several benefits, including:
As nice as the advantages listed above may be, there are also some major downsides to using Pipedrive. Those downsides include:
Now that we’ve seen which aspects of Pipedrive and Freshsales (both positive and negative) help them stand out, let’s see how they compare directly. Specifically, we’ll be looking at five key aspects of a good CRM. This comparison is summarized in the chart below.
Let’s now look at how Freshsales and Pipedrive compare to one another in a bit more depth.
One of the most important factors to consider is pricing. So, how much do Pipedrive and Freshsales cost?
If you want to spend as little as possible, you may be in luck—Freshsales does offer a free plan, but only for up to three users. If you want more users or better features, you can choose from three different plans that range from $15 to $83 per user per month.
Pipedrive has similar pricing, with its cheapest plan being $15 per user per month and its most expensive being $99. Ultimately, though, since Pipedrive doesn’t offer a free plan, Freshsales wins this round.
Another key consideration is the ease of use. How user-friendly is each platform?
Freshsales does very well in this category, with users saying that the interface is intuitive and simple. This makes sense since Freshsales is designed with beginners in mind.
Pipedrive also boasts an intuitive interface. However, Pipedrive also comes with a steep learning curve, which means it can take a while to learn the ins and outs of the tool and start driving results. For that reason, Freshsales is the winner in this category.
CRMs exist to help you gather and analyze your data, which means any good CRM will include some kind of reporting feature. That’s the case for both Freshsales and Pipedrive, but only one of them does it well.
Pipedrive is solid in this category, with advanced reporting features that go above and beyond when it comes to letting users customize the reports they want to generate. On the other hand, Freshsales falls short here. It might not be terrible, but it’s definitely not as optimized as many users would like it to be.
For that reason, Pipedrive wins in this category.
For your CRM to pull data from other tools, it needs to integrate with those tools. Pipedrive definitely does well here, offering over 300 integration options that are a mix of native and API-based integrations.
With Freshsales, it’s a little more complicated. It offers over 750 integrations through Zapier, but users have been known to say that its integrations are low in quality, with some of them only seeming to work in one direction. So, while it has more integrations than Pipedrive, those integrations may also be worse.
Overall, this one comes out to a tie—the winner depends on whether you prioritize quantity or quality in your integrations.
Finally, we come to sales automation. Freshsales does a pretty good job here, especially with its sales sequencing feature that helps you build automated workflows. But Pipedrive’s sales automation capabilities are just as good, if not better. It has its own automated workflow builder, as well as several prebuilt workflow options.
It’s a close call, but ultimately, Pipedrive wins out in this category by just a hair.
So, let’s get back to our original question—which is better, Pipedrive or Freshsales?
The answer is that it depends entirely on your business. Do you prioritize ease of use and integration quantity? If so, you should choose Freshsales. But on the other hand, if you’re big on reporting and sales automation, maybe Pipedrive would be better.
It’s also entirely possible that you don’t think Freshsales or Pipedrive is right for you, in which case you may choose another CRM altogether. It all comes down to your needs.
If you’re looking for a third CRM option apart from Pipedrive or Freshsales, look no further than Nutshell. Nutshell offers a variety of top-tier CRM features like sales automation and advanced reporting, plus access to a friendly support team who can help you through any questions you have.
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