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Why Do CRM Implementations Fail and How Can You Fix Them?

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Customer relationship management (CRM) can open your business up to a world of possibilities, from a streamlined sales process to happier customers. But sometimes, when you don’t plan properly, CRM implementation can be a bit tricky and less than successful.

So, why do CRM implementations fail, and how can you avoid that from happening? In this article, we’re giving you all the details on why a CRM fails and how to fix it in no time. We’ll break down some of the most common CRM implementation challenges and how you overcome them with ease.

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CRM implementation challenges

The following are a few CRM implementation failure examples that you should avoid when you invest in a CRM for your company.

Poorly defined goals

Having a CRM in place is one thing, but if you don’t have any goals established for what you want to do with it, you won’t get very far. One of the most common reasons why CRM implementation fails is because of poorly defined (or nonexistent) goals.

With no goals in place, users won’t have a clear path to follow to success. Goals keep your team (and yourself) on track and constantly striving for success. 

Lack of CRM strategy

A messy or nonexistent CRM strategy is a recipe for chaos. When you adopt a CRM, you need to have a strategy in place that helps keep users focused and driven toward a common goal.

When no CRM strategy is evident, a few things can occur that could lead to a failed CRM implementation:

  • Missed leads
  • Communication breakdowns
  • Disorganization
  • Unnecessary work
  • Team frustration

Collecting the wrong data

Put simply, the “wrong” data depends on what your sales goals are. If the data you’re collecting doesn’t help you gain insight into your audience or help you reach your sales goals, then you’re probably collecting the wrong data.

Your CRM isn’t going to be of much use to you if you’re collecting data you don’t necessarily need. Sure, it’ll keep all the information organized and easy to sift through, but if that customer data doesn’t help you towards your sales goals, what’s the point? Collecting the wrong customer data means you aren’t using your CRM to its full potential. 

Little to no user adoption

CRM project failures can also arise when few people on your team have adopted the CRM and gained experience with it. If your employees aren’t committed to learning the new system, all the work you put into setting it up could be in vain.

Disregarding a new CRM system that’s put in place also means disregarding the benefits that it can bring to your team. While this doesn’t necessarily put your businesses in a bad position, you won’t see much improvement in terms of sales lead conversions either.

How to fix CRM failures

Now, let’s look at how you can avoid these CRM implementation challenges and how you can fix them. 

Know what you want from your CRM

Before you even start using your CRM, you need to have clearly defined goals in mind for what you want to get out of your CRM. As mentioned earlier, having no goals established can leave your sales team feeling lost.

By having goals in place, your sales team has a direction in which to move and can tailor their sales efforts to those goals. In other words, there’s a method to the madness. You and your sales team know what you’re working towards, and you can ensure all business actions you take will move you a little closer to your endgame.

Develop a CRM strategy

A CRM strategy helps your business and CRM implementation in a few different ways. First and foremost, it helps strengthen coordination between your sales, marketing, and customer service teams. With a working sales pipeline, your team can easily move leads through the customer journey and prioritize the most profitable leads first.

With an organized sales pipeline, you can provide a more enjoyable customer experience at each major touchpoint within the customer journey. Positive customer experiences can lead to loyal customers that stick with your brand long after their first purchase.

To develop a CRM strategy, keep these essential tips in mind:

  • Identify your goals and objectives
  • Understand your target audience and their needs
  • Establish how your product or service can fulfill those customer needs
  • Outline your ideal sales pipeline, from initial lead contact to the point of purchase (and beyond!)
  • Identify key data metrics to track

Focus on collecting the right data

When using your CRM to learn more about your customers, make sure you’re collecting the right customer data. That is the data that helps you reach the sales goals you set out earlier. 

For example, if your goal with your CRM is to increase sales lead conversions, you may want to focus on collecting data related to customer behaviors. Specifically, the actions that lead to conversions. This way, you can capitalize on those interactions and potentially increase conversion rates.

By collecting high-quality customer data, you can use your CRM to its full potential and maximize your results, so your business can reap the full benefits of a CRM.

Get users on board

You know that saying, “it takes a village”? That’s the case with implementing a CRM. It takes more than one person’s cooperation to seamlessly integrate your new CRM with your business. When you have your sales team on board, CRM implementation can go a lot smoother, and you can begin reaping the benefits of having a CRM even faster.

Successfully implement CRM with Nutshell

With help from Nutshell’s experienced team, CRM implementation is easy. Nutshell’s CRM offers software integrations so you can continue to run your business like normal, but with the additional help of an all-in-one CRM. 
Nutshell provides free implementation so you can start enjoying the benefits of an all-in-one CRM immediately (and at no extra cost!). Learn more about what the Nutshell CRM can do for your business by attending a live product demo or signing up for a 14-day free trial now.


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