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Should I Use a Landscaping-Specific CRM?

an aerial view of a walkway with a hedge in the middle

A customer relationship management (CRM) platform is an essential part of any business tech stack. But when it comes to CRM platforms, there’s more than one type to choose from: industry-specific and general-purpose CRMs.

This poses the tricky question, “Should I use a landscaping-specific CRM or a general-purpose one?”

Today, we’re tackling that question and breaking down the difference between two types of CRMs for landscapers. Keep reading to learn more!

What is a landscaping-specific CRM?

Landscaping-specific CRMs are designed with landscaping companies in mind. Landscaping CRM platforms come with features, tools, and integration options explicitly created for landscapers and other businesses in the landscaping industry.

Advantages of a CRM for landscapers

CRMs for landscaping companies bring some valuable benefits to users. These benefits include:

  • An interface designed with landscaping professionals in mind
  • Landscaping-specific features and tools
  • Faster setup processes

Keep reading to learn about the benefits of landscaping CRM in more detail.

An interface designed with landscaping professionals in mind

While this sounds like a no-brainer, one benefit of using a landscaping-specific CRM is that it’s made with landscapers in mind. 

That means the platform will prioritize the features landscapers value most and include industry-specific language. This all makes for a better user experience that requires less time to get used to. In other words, landscapers will feel right at home using a landscaping-specific CRM.

Landscaping-specific features and tools

Speaking of tools, landscaping-specific CRMs offer the unique benefit of being equipped with industry-specific features. Landscaping CRMs are built with landscapers in mind, so industry-specific tools like measuring and estimating software are already available and ready to be used. 

Meanwhile, a general-purpose CRM will have the capability to run these kinds of software, but it won’t be readily available, and it may require additional integration.

Faster setup processes

Finally, landscaping CRMs have a faster setup time than general CRMs because they’re configured with industry-specific preferences. With a general CRM, you’ll have to allot some additional time to configure your dashboard and put industry preferences into place.

This isn’t to say that all landscaping CRMs are a breeze to set up—there are no doubt some complicated industry-specific CRMs that take a fair amount of time to set up. But for the most part, landscapers will have an easier time setting up a landscaping CRM.

What is a general-purpose CRM?

General-purpose CRMs aren’t built with a specific industry in mind. Instead, general CRMs are meant to be used by businesses across any industry. General CRM platforms come equipped with universal tools, integration options, and user interfaces that any business can benefit from and use with ease.

Advantages of a general CRM

Like landscaping CRMs, general-purpose CRM platforms also offer some enticing benefits, including:

  • A user-friendly interface
  • More integration options
  • Lower cost compared to landscaping-specific CRMs

Read ahead to learn about these benefits in more detail.

A user-friendly interface

General CRMs appeal to a larger audience, so its user interface has to be accessible to users of all types of industries. Because of that, general CRM platforms are often more user-friendly, with a particular emphasis on flexibility and easy navigation.

Also, general CRM platforms often generate more revenue since they appeal to a broad audience. With more revenue, those companies can invest more money into developing user-friendly software and hiring specialists to help optimize their interface.

More integration options

Unlike landscaping CRMs, general-purpose CRMs are built with more integration options to accommodate their diverse user base.

The exact number of integration options varies from platform to platform. Still, overall, general CRM users will integrate with a wider variety of tools, including industry-specific and general-purpose tools. 

Lower cost compared to landscaping-specific CRMs

Finally, general CRMs tend to cost less than industry-specific CRMs.

General CRM platforms have to reach a more diverse audience, so they often promote different price tiers that are flexible and affordable for most budgets. On the other hand, industry-specific CRMs are trying to attract a specific audience, so their pricing is slightly more rigid or fixed.

Don’t get us wrong—there are expensive general-purpose CRMs out there that can cost more than some landscaping CRMs. But for the most part, general CRMs offer more affordable pricing options.

What is the best CRM for landscapers?

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of landscaping and general CRMs, it’s time to choose. Should you use a landscaping-specific CRM or a general one? The answer to that depends on your priorities.

Are you looking for a CRM that offers features unique to your industry? If so—and if you have a larger budget and more time to work with less user-friendly software—a landscaping CRM could be the right platform for you.

If you have a less flexible budget and aren’t picky about having industry-specific tools, a general CRM is an excellent platform to add to your landscaping tech stack. After all, general CRMs are home to universal tools every company can use, and they have integration options to add more industry-specific tools. What’s not to like?

Choose Nutshell, a great CRM for landscapers

If you’re looking for an affordable and user-friendly CRM platform for your landscaping business, look no further than Nutshell, an all-in-one CRM trusted by all industries—and the best CRM for landscapers!

With sales automation, contact management, personalization, and more, Nutshell is a general CRM with tools and integration options that make you feel like it was made specifically for your industry.

See what all the hype is about by starting a 14-day free trial of Nutshell, or contact us online today to learn more!


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